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Diana Bigham, M.A.

Chief Family Consultant, Mother 

Diana completed her graduate studies in Family Psychology from Hardin-Simmons University. As a mom and clinical therapist with over 15 years of experience, she created The Journey as a game-changing resource to help families combat the mental health epidemic through prevention and practical resources at your fingertips. 

"One of the biggest problems families are facing is they don't have access to Holy Spirit-led resources to make biblical principles and mental health practical for their everyday life. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

I designed this membership for Christian parents to provide simple processes to shape your children's heart so they have emotional health, relational maturity, and spiritual wisdom."



Unveiling HeirsTM Concierge 

Melissa connects families with Unveiling HeirsTM products and resources to match their needs.


Before joining Unveiling HeirsTM, we were somewhat on the same page for parenting, but I was doing all the research and it was hard to catch my husband up.

Now, I always feel that when we have a funk, her resources are available for us at any time.

Binge watching Diana's resources has been one of my favorite things to do on long drives, and I often finding myself watching and rewatching many lessons so it becomes cemented into our family's daily routine.


Mother of 2

What's Included:

Get practical support for your Christian family.

  • Therapist-Created Exclusive Video Library + PDFs (over $997 value)
  • App for Convenient On-The-Go Learning Experience ($97)
  • Private Community with Other Family Trailblazers (a $497 value)
  • Monthly Live Coaching Calls with Marriage & Family Consultant, Diana Bigham (a $197 value)
  • Savings for Private 1:1 Consultations (priceless)
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Monthly Payment


Most Popular

  • Exclusive Video Library (over $997 value)
  • Private Community Group (a $497 value)
  • Monthly Live Coaching Calls with Diana (a $197 value)
  • Grandfathered Pricing If A Member in Good Standing (priceless)

Annual Payment


Best Deal ($48 savings each year)

  • Exclusive Video Library (over $997 value)
  • Private Community Group (a $497 value)
  • Monthly Live Coaching Calls with Diana (a $197 value)
  • Grandfathered Pricing If A Member in Good Standing (priceless)

Total Value: Over $1,888

All this for only $29 a month.

Save Even More With The Annual Plan.

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